Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Internet Out

at the apartment.  We are waiting for a fix but posts of the new couch coming soon!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


LJ and Joey got engaged and before  I left, we played around with the rings for some fun shots.  I have seen many great ring shots from the day of a wedding on other blogs.  I think I still have a while to go and would love to see them on something more colorful, but you have to start somewhere!

This shot also has a heavy edit with texture.  I'm still learning how to play with photoshop elements!

Another fun one with a shallow depth of field:

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Favorite Model

I've been practicing with my new camera and finally got a few good ones of Brent outside during the day.  Our apartment is a cave so it was nice to shoot without the flash all the time!

Here's the original- straight out of the camera:

And here are some of the edits:

 A little warmer and probably my favorite:

 Vintage Look:


Friday, February 18, 2011

Inaugural Post

I can hardly keep up with The Owen's Opus so what else should I do but CREATE ANOTHER BLOG???  I think I might be crazy but I got this new camera, have taken tons of photos and want to start sharing my photo growth (well probably not really sharing since only 6 people read my current blog- but there are some nice benefits to putting all of your pictures on the cloud for future keeping).  

So look forward to numerous pictures of Mattie, inanimate objects, and maybe even Brent if he agrees to model!

I figure I will start with our Christmas shot from 2010.  Nothing like family photo time!

P.s. Maybe I will learn how to not have the white corners soon!